Sunday, April 30, 2006

Official Tay Du Ky Online

ECUADOR - Ecuador Annex transactional to fulfill and compliance software to generate

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a technical, autonomous, responsible for administration and collection of taxes under its scope.
SRI general aims, to promote a modern and professionalized tax administration to maintain a transparent relationship between the Treasury and the taxpayer, to ensure a progressive and sustained increase in tax revenue. Statements and Schedules

Annexes Withholding Income Tax
ICE Annexes Annex Transactional

SRI Taxation that administers the Internal Revenue Service are:

  • Income Tax Value Added Tax
  • Special Consumption Tax Tax
  • Motor Vehicle Property
If you or your company require or have the possibility of their files by means other than what is available, it also provides the technical specifications to generate the XML files in the format required by the tool SRI.La is designed with the purpose to guide step by step in the development of their information

SADIM-T available to install Download

More information at:

For reception of Annex Transaction will be available the following options:
  • SRI Offices (area of \u200b\u200bstatements and exhibits)
  • Internet ( )

chartered banks to both receive tribute

  1. Ifi
  2. Produbanco
  3. Banco Amazonas Banco del Austro
  4. Bolivarian Bank National Development Bank Banco de Guayaquil
  5. International Bank Banco de Machala
  6. Rumiñahui
  7. Banco General Land Bank Pacific Bank
  8. Banco del Pichincha, Banco del Litoral
Law Public Finance Reform - First Title - Chapter 3 - Reforms Relating to the Value Added Tax

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Industrial Dog Crates

Annex transactional SRI - Ecuador

SADIM-T allows registered: Shopping, Sales, Imports, Exports, Fideicomiso, Annulled , Credit Cards, financial performance, and most importantly ready to build the attachment. xml
advantages does this program:

  • the company can create and use the user name and password Demo Demo it
  • does not need much computer resources
  • is created a valid database that can be used whenever
  • Easy to use, understand and validate all information entered
  • are messages at the bottom of the screen to what you need to enter
  • additional Report help verify that the information entered is correct
  • Create user accounts for to perform specific tasks
  • additional information processes up information in a excel sheet if it is extensive, such as sales. There
  • how to ship the report or report to Excel.
  • offer online help with the Chat available on the website
  • personal advice for the full use of your information system.

Your price: $ 250, with 20% discount.
Final Price $ 200 + VAT

PAYMENT: 50% to 50% installation
acceptance of Annex x SRI.
Warranties: Advice for a whole year free, updates without additional cost during the year. Professional fees last year (time sheet).
SADIM-T available to install Download

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Naruto Shippuden Card List

DGER2006 Resolution NAC-SRI-0004 Annex Annex Transactional Transactional

The IRS Internal Revenue Service, by Resolution No. NAC-DGER2006-0004, published in Official Gazette No. 188 of January 16, 2006, ruled that withholding agents of Income Tax, Value Added, or both, the natural persons who, without being obliged to keep accounting have authorization to print receipts for sales and retention through computer systems, and who, according to the Internal Tax Regime Law, are entitled to a VAT refund must submit monthly data on purchases, sales, imports exports, canceled vouchers, expenditure and retention in general elections.
SADIM-T available to install Download
To generate the file. XML to deliver the SRI

Monday, April 10, 2006

Does Gerber Still Make Blueberry Buckle

SRI - Ecuador

SADIM-T available to install Download

Here's to you gentlemen availability taxpayers with a system that helps meet the new requirement of ANNEX TRANSACTIONAL SRI. Generating information to give to SRI.

SADIM-T (transactional tax system administrator) has features like:

  • a system is easily understood and user handling
  • has all the specifications given by the SRI
  • not need many resources the Pentium computer, PentiumI, Pentium II, PentiumIII, PIV
  • is multiuser
  • Network Operation Multicompany
  • Win95/98 operating systems, Windows Me, Windows XP/2000
  • mñinimo 5Mb Requirement Manual
  • storage in the system. References

Comecial: Municipality of Quito, Manpower, AGSO. Emsat, Florasistesis, Aerotravesia, and others. Source

SADIM-T allows you to register
Purchases, Sales, Importacines, Exports, Trust, Cancelled, Credit Cards, financial performance, and most importantly ready to build the attached file. Xml

SADIM-T available to install Download

More information: