Friday, October 19, 2007

What Side Effects Of Linfoma


  • Trama in urban FestiÑanza promoted by companies linked to the PSOE

The coast of Sanxenxo preparing to hold another town-planning draft, contrary to the law on his back with the political support of the PP, and investments Brues, a company linked to the PSOE. It is a new proof that the words are not true of Dulcinea Aguiño "voting for the Su9 (FestiÑanza) to encourage residents who want to make a home there "

With legality or without it, the mass of the coast Sanxenxo is ongoing, with theaters in false opposition of the Board of the PSOE. Moreover the local PSOE voting in favor of Sanxenxo residential units such as Mount FestiÑanza to promote business conglomerate and some of his friendships.

  • Antonio in Pinal FestiÑanza

FestiÑanza is mostly planted a grove of pine and eucalyptus considered area of \u200b\u200bspecial protection standards in municipal subsidiaries. The General Plan Land Hall (February 2003) gave character Soil urbanizable also referred to its high landscape value and includes alleged measures for the conservation of its forest mass for this reason has been shaken by the wave of fires in summer 2006 .

The business structure involved in the operation is, as always, very complex.

The legal representative of the clearing is to attach Jose Manuel Otero Rey and works shall be paid by the promoter Cysugal belonging to Group Bruesa.Tratase a holding company formed by more than 20 companies mainly from the circle of friendship empresasrios of Telmo Martín and connected with the known Brues.

Brues: This company binds to a Galician, Pinal Antonio, who had been convicted of illegal funding of the PSOE in the Balearic Islands. It is a Galician Carvalliño who made his fortune in the País Vasco and was spotted by the 'case Roldán. " In time, the director general of police civil encagavase building houses the headquarters businessmen friends.

The Given

Montes threatened a few meters from shore.

Three Hills neighborhood Dorrón be the victims of disaster: the Grange, and the stump FestiÑanza. Urbanization approved in the latter region had the votes of the PSOE and this stance has been denounced publicly by Let's save Sanxenxo. In total, these mountains hold more than 1229 homes, located a few three hundred meters of beach line. The Board warned the council of serious irregularity, but approval was given before the new law back.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Easiest Way To Get A License Immigrant
SADIM-T software available to install Download

Audience Contributors must submit this information counters, and general public interest in knowing about it.

Event Description During this training, attendees will learn about the following points regarding the issue:
- Presentation of Annex Transactional
- Use of software for the presentation of Annex
- Shipping information through the Internet

date and place

City: Babahoyo

Location: Luque and Enrique Ponce by Pass
26.10.2007 - from 14.00

City: The Core

Location: Catholic University
10.16.2007 - From 16:00

City: Portoviejo

Location: Cesar Chavez and University Avenue (Corner)
16/10/2007 - 09h00 11.00

City: Riobamba

Location: Chamber Offices training SRI
10/17/2007 - From 15h00

City: Cuenca

15.10.2007 - From 14:30

City: Riobamba

Location: Office of the training room
SRI 2007-10 - 31 - From 15:00

City: Cuenca

10/19/2007 - From
10/26/2007 15h00 - 16h00 From
SRI Organizer - Nationwide


SADIM-T available to install Download