To facilitate compliance with tax obligations, since January 2003 is available a tool that allows you to submit declarations Internet, 365 days a year for 24 hours a day.
REQUIREMENTS sign a liability waiver : available at the offices of SRI nationally or in ec
Get a security key, which will be delivered to the offices of SRI with the presentation of the following:
For Societies: submit a copy of ID and Appointment of Representative Legal, and if applicable, attach an authorization for a third person remove the security key.
For natural persons: on request up personally with a copy of your card.
DIMM Order the program, to prepare statements on magnetic media, the same will be delivered free. Also available on the website of SRI.
Finally, if their statements recorded values \u200b\u200bto pay, you must complete an Authorization for Automatic Debit, or using the payment means that financial institutions put at its disposal, such as Internet Banking, Call Center, ATM, Cards Credit, etc.
FIRST INTERNET: Getting Key accesoPara ensure the confidentiality of the taxpayer's identity, it must have a password, it will be delivered in a security envelope in the offices of SRI.
- Companies who come to seek the key must submit a copy of the certificate of legal representative and a copy of his appointment, in addition, where applicable, attach an Authorization for a third remove security key.
- In case of individuals, the taxpayer must apply the security envelope in person (by filing a copy of your card) in the Tax Services Unit of any IRS office.
- In the case of Companies and Individuals Forced to keep accounts, accountant must obtain the security key.
Proper handling of the security key is the sole responsibility of the taxpayer or the legal representative.
If the taxpayer enter the password incorrectly five times, the system will disable access for a period of one hour.
If a taxpayer lose or forget your password, request a new generation in the declarations area of \u200b\u200bany IRS office, just by presenting your card.
SECOND: Drafting of the Declaration
The SRI offers a simple software and easy to use forms called DIMM (Statement Magnetic Media Reporting), the same as what you get for free at the offices of SRI or Web page: .
Source. Sri Ecuador