Annex transactional Transactional Information Annex SRI - Sri
Directed to Mr. taxpayer in Ecuador
fulfilling obligations to the SRI
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What is the main objective of Annex Settlement? Integrate
following reports in a single file that contains the complete information to the IRS.
Annex Income for Dependency Ratio not considered within the Annex Transactional and it will continue to submit information annually.
Who should file Schedule Transactional?
This single annex shall be submitted by:
retention agents Income Tax, Value Added or both;
natural persons who, without being obliged to keep accounting records, are authorized to print bills of sale, additional documents and withholding through authorized computer systems;
The fund management companies and trusts, and
Who, according to the Internal Tax Regime Law, are entitled to a refund of Value Added Tax.
How and where to file Schedule Transactional?
Monthly data Annex Transactional magnetic media will be delivered through an archive of xml format. This information may be delivered in any of the regional and other offices (Tax Services Unit).
When to file Schedule Transactional?
Annex Transactional presentation may be sent via Internet to the last day of the month following the appropriate information. Otherwise, you can also give it in any of the regional and other offices arranged in the following schedule according to the ninth digit of the RUC
For this one-time information for the periods of January, February, March and April 2006 are presented in separate files the month of June 2006.
What information is contained in Annex Settlement? Transactional
Annex is a monthly report information on purchases, sales, imports, exports, voided receipts and deductions in general.
buy and should I report?
According to enter economic activity detailed information of each of their purchases, indicating the number of sales slip (serial, sequential number and authorization document). With each proof of purchase will report the withholding agent that you made, both VAT and Withholding Tax on Income, together with information on the number of withholding issued (serial, sequential number and authorization document .)
Sales should I report?
sales information corresponds to a cumulative record per customer per month. Similarly, withholding details of both VAT and Withholding Tax Income that made their customers.
is important to note that if you sell to end users, issue a bill of sale, cash register receipt, among others, which does not identify the client because it uses the tax credit. In this case, combine all these sales in a single record.
However, as noted in the previous paragraph, if an invoice must record customer identification and grouping monthly sales each.
What should report on imports or payments abroad? If you do
imports of goods and payments abroad for services shall provide this information. In the For imports of goods, you will report to endorse the values \u200b\u200blevel paid in the customs, the customs clearance of the goods, indicating values \u200b\u200bas taxable income and value of VAT and ICE. For payments abroad, report the values \u200b\u200bfor the withholding of income tax.
Export What should inform or Foreign Income? If you do
exports of goods or receives income from abroad for services shall submit this information. In the case of exports of goods, you bring a level of endorsement the values \u200b\u200brecorded in the Customs. In the case of export of services, will report the corresponding values local bills issued to sustain that benefit. What advantages
Annex Transactional leads?
• Now you can submit a single file all information required by the IRS.
• You avoid long hours of waiting for delivery of your information as the tax administration will facilitate the delivery of this Annex on the Internet.
• Through Annex Transactional you deliver timely information in their transactions and does not wait a year to collect all the information.
His contribution in building a just and caring society is to provide timely information for management tax. Http://
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