ALOJA Association and the Junta de Andalucía have signed the Convention for the creation of Development Agencies in Andalusia Rental.
D. Felix Campbell, President of the Association and Ms. Consuelo ALOJA Gutierrrez, Minister of Public Works and Transport the Junta de Andalucía, have signed an agreement for the creation of Development Agencies in Andalusia Rental.
Through it, the association dealt with very important aid to homeowners and renters.
For owners who have a home to rent, consisting of 6,000 euro non-refundable, plus a number of other important advantages such as the procurement of insurance covering the risk of default and damage caused by the tenant, and as an arbitration system that resolves a very agile potential conflicts between landlords and tenants, avoiding having to resort to the ordinary courts.
Tenants shall be awarded consisting of 40% of what they pay for rent.
For more information, contact 9 to 14 hours on the phone 950 26 47 49, and the central office in Almeria, located in the Paseo de Almeria, 3 2 º - right, which will give you all the details. They may also apply by email to asociacionaloja@gmail.com
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