- The history of land Penha
The former president of the PP in Sanxenxo made with the company's factory and converted into Penha promoter. Then crossed the floor to Cuina by 8 million to a housing development.
Save Paul showed a report that the city says that the floor was vicinal . The properties, however, were registered in the name of different owners and businesses , forests and jury in 2003 rejected the right neighborly of them. A court upheld the decision in 2005.
The lands were once vicinal and then in 1956 were transferred to José Peña by the Municipality for the construction of a cannery, but the agreement, it seems, is not finished making . Simultaneously, Penha bought such land to a third person, who in turn acquired by the way they were local, a second sentence 1969. Outside
and outside the ownership of land perpetuated in part by the passivity of the City Council. The municipal interest by the property returned in force in 90 years. It was then Mayor Jose Luis Rodriguez , and controversy over the ownership and destination of this ground jumped into the political debate.
Convention urban
was the February 10, 1995 , as stated in the World, when the City signed an agreement with Canned Portonovo , successor Canned Peña by which the City has undertaken with the owners the recalificar as residential lot of Baltar, since the owners installed the factory in a partnership that owned and ADIN in replace workers. The council reservábase 15% of 14,853 meters square for equipment, a portion of 200 meters and a commercial site, and get 22 million pesetas.
In March 1996 , Canned Portonovo requesting authorization for the new plant in ADIN. The mayor began the proceedings of recalificación Baltar so this process could be resolved. The canning company ever come to fulfilling their part of the deal.
In 1999, the popular Telmo Martín he became the mayor of Sanxenxo. Replaced the front of the local group to Jose Manuel Otero , former president of the PP. The people's government began drafting the PXOM and with it came the controversy about the coveted Baltar's land. The residents of
Portonovo claimed the land as communal hill, while the Socialists made for City because of alleged transfers that made the Municipality to factory owners.
parallel to these disputes, Construcuatro , a company which is a partner Telmo Martín, purchased two parcels registered as rough with the canning. On those same dates, José Manuel Otero entered the accionaríao of Canned Portonovo and made up with Baltar and land parcel where ADIN was supposed to locate the new plant. The October 25 2000 of the company's corporate transformation of fish products ampliábase to promotion, construction and sale of all types of buildings and constructions, without limitation, the purchase and sale of land and solar. "
Former Socialist spokesman, Aguiño Pepe, continued their battle. On March 27, the party presented a motion to revoke the license 34/96, regarding the agreement with Canned Portonovo. Aguiño eventually withdrawing the motion and giving a handshake the Telmo Martín. Today he works as manager of mariners, the municipal company established by former mayor, who presided until the day his dismissal.
In 2003 land Baltar were recalificados as urban land. Canned Portonovo Construcuatro and sold for 8 million and 2.8 million respectively to the controversial land Construziona, the family company that now builds Cuina there a luxury complex.
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