Institutions Statute Town Planning Act
Article 24.
1. Interested parties may participate in urban management through the creation of urban entities collaborating.
2. Urban entities are collaborating:
Compensation Boards.
Owners Associations in the administrative cooperation system.
Entities conservation.
3. Urban institutions partners are governed by its Statute and the provisions of this Section, without prejudice to the application of specific provisions contained in Chapters II and III of Title V of these Regulations for compensation boards and homeowners associations administrative cooperation system and forecasts set out in Chapter IV of Title II Conservation infrastructure works.
Article 25.
1. The constitution of the Boards of compensation and administrative associations of owners in the cooperative system will accommodate the provisions of the provisions contained in the respective systems of action.
2. Conservation institutions infrastructure works may be formed as a result of the transformation of any pre-existing entity set forth in the previous issue, or specifically for such purposes without having first been formed a body for the implementation of infrastructure works.
3. Will be required the establishment of a conservation entity provided that the duty of preserving works of urbanization is borne by the owners within a polygon or unit of action under the determinations of the management plan or program of action bases or is planning laws explicitly.
In such cases, membership of the conservation entity shall be binding on all owners within its territory.
Article 26.
1. Urban institutions collaborating administrative in nature and will depend on the order of the urban administration acting.
2. The legal status of urban institutions collaborating means acquired from the time of registration in the relevant register.
Article 27.
1. The creation of urban institutions collaborating well as its statutes, to be approved by the urban administration acting.
2. The agreement approving the constitution is recorded in the register of urban entities will be collaborating in the Provincial Planning Commissions, which is also a copy filed of the statutes of the entity authorized by the competent official.
3. The appointment and dismissal of persons responsible for the government and administration of the entity is also entered in the register.
4. The amendment of the statutes require the approval of urban administration acting. The respective agreements, in which amendment, if any, shall be recorded in the registry.
Article 28.
The transfer of ownership to determine the membership of any of the types of urban entities will partner with them the subrogation of rights and obligations of the deceased, meaning incorporated the acquirer entity from the moment of transmission.
Article 29.
agreements urban collaborating institutions will be adopted by simple majority of participation shares unless the statutes or other rules to establish a quorum for certain cases.
Such agreements may be challenged by appeal to the urban administration acting.
Article 30.
1. The dissolution of urban entities will occur partner compliance with the purposes for which they were created and shall in any case, urban management agreement acting.
2. There shall be no approval of the dissolution de la entidad mientras no conste el cumplimiento de las obligaciones que estén pendientes.
Artículo 67.
La conservación de las obras de urbanización y el mantenimiento de las dotaciones e instalaciones de los servicios públicos serán de cargo de la Administración actuante, una vez que se haya efectuado la cesión de aquéllas.
Artículo 68.
1. No obstante lo dispuesto en el artículo anterior , quedarán sujetos los propietarios de los terrenos comprendidos en el polígono o unidad de actuación a dicha obligación, cuando así se imponga por el Plan de ordenación o por las bases de un programa de actuación or is expressly urban laws.
2. In the course of the previous issue, the owners must be integrated into a conservation entity.
Article 69.
1. The participation of landowners in the conservation and maintenance requirement of the development works, facilities and installations of public services, when not by the acting administration is determined by the share that they had fixed on the Board compensation, the proposed land subdivision or, where appropriate, which is fixed in the state of conservation.
2. If on the plots had been set up schemes condominium property, the contribution of the owners in such an obligation to care and maintenance will be determined by the share of the total number of property value that is assigned in each community.
Article 70.
1. Whatever the subject entitled to assume the maintenance obligation referred to in the preceding articles, the City Council or Authority acting in its capacity as holder of public lands, works, facilities and installations subject to mandatory assignment, may require pressure by means of the installments due, either by trade, and upon request, if any, of the urban entity collaborator.
2. The amount of the fee will be delivered by the Governing Council or entity acting for conservation, that obligation does not relate to the administration.
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