Thursday, January 20, 2011

Leopard Gecko Seizure

If we played the original, buy me!! LG

motorhome with the Holidays Mini piggyback :

holidays can enjoy a different form if you do not have to walk making and unmaking suitcases.

Traveling with the house behind him is an advantage because besides where you decide to stop the sofa bed, kitchen, bathroom ... never travel "with nothing" meant more convenience than a genuine motorhome . And in some you can even have a garage, because of course when you arrive at your destination is not too comfortable stroll to the motorhome and the best solution for carrying bicycles and / or bike is not in your grade. It is now time to think VARIO Perfect 1150 on SH. And there's more.

Any comfort you have at home will miss not aboard this rolling home.

Even your roadster, with its "garage" in which a vehicle can accommodate, at least one small, in this case we can see in the picture a Mini convertible, which is not bad option. In Vario think of everything and a trapdoor to raise and lower your utility a little like "Knight Rider" , although it seems unwise to imitate Michael Knight, much better to do with the motorhome well quietecito.

Inside a cluster of luxury, equipment and refined decoration will make us feel at home ... or even better. In addition to the vehicle already has a respectable size, almost like a bus, has the option of including a extensible modules that further increase the surface of the living room and bedroom winning feet of space with each of these "drawers."

A taste of the customer can add all sorts of extras and accessories, but we start with a base price of the VARIO Perfect 1150 SH around 500,000 €. If a house is expensive, with wheels could not be cheaper. Antonio ─ Rentero [ VARIOmobil ]


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