LG 3D Optimus chooses OMAP4 Texas Instruments, LG artillery exposed :
not understand the times that make the companies to present their products, such as leaks Samsung apart, as I think not show a device or its main features to an appointment and specific time makes all the bulbs are at the moment about them.
If LG own ahead of us which are the gadgets that will present at the Mobile World Congress and informs us of its specifications, the surprise fades. This is what happened this morning and we are not going to be less and share in blogdeinformatica.info.
LG has really taken seriously the world of Smartphones neglected seasons ago, and even remains active in Windows Phone 7 , artillery is basically composed of terminals Android, and a tablet that we all know.
star feature is undoubtedly the 3D , a possibility which will be released in 3D Optimus LG and the LG tablet Optimus Pad, but also have a couple of notable Smartphones and presented at previous fairs, the LG Optimus 2X Optimus and Black.
We will review the content we have (tomorrow at eleven is official presentation), but unfortunately we have new images of all devices, fortunately the LG 3D Optimus himself, Optimus LG 3D
would also anticipate that dual-core heart , but did not know what would be the choice and now we can say that you have opted for Texas Instruments OMAP4 to 1GHz. In the graphics processing also know that includes a PowerVR SGX 540 , we already know from Samsung Hummingbird Galaxy family S.
Also used in the BlackBerry Playbook , similar capabilities are presumed to Nvidia Tegra 2, some suggest that higher. Other details we can confirm is its 3D screen 4.3 "(not needed glasses) and WVGA resolution.
For the capture of 3D content, has two cameras in the back , also has HDMI and DLNA support. We do not have information about the version that uses Android. LG
Of Optimus Pad LG tablet OS Honeycomb also knew almost everything, but it's good for us to officially confirm the data: 8.9-inch screen WXGA (1280
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