Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dmt Communication With Aliens

boot Windows from Linux MBR

Recovers booting Windows from Linux MBR :
The Master Boot Record, MBR for friends, is the first sector of a hard disk , making reference to the BIOS to start an operating system or another when you start your computer.

The MBR is very delicate. An error in the MBR prevents Windows boot , so the next trick will be very useful.

We explain how to recover the original MBR if it is damaged. Only need a Linux boot disk.
Step 1 - Get a Linux LiveCD We assume
on your computer that you installed Windows only. If you have an existing Linux distribution can skip this step.

A LiveCD is a CD that includes a version of Linux that you can use without having to install it on your hard disk. They usually come in a iso image to burn to a blank CD discs with any burner.

There are hundreds, so choose any one . All are equally useful to fix the MBR. Our favorites are Ubuntu, Fedora , System Rescue CD and Knoppix .
Step 2 - Start the computer from the LiveCD
This step differs for each team. Normally, through F12 to activate the BIOS menu. There need to configure the boot menu to start the first device is the CD / DVD and not the hard drive.
can also occur if your computer boot from the CD / DVD if you find a disc inside.
Step 3 - Install
ms-sys ms-sys is the program that will save lives. Well, just going to recover the MBR in order to start Windows without problems.
Installation is quick and easy. No issues.
  • First download the installer from here .
  • Unzip the contents to any folder.
  • Open Terminal or Linux console and navigate to the folder ms-sys. For example: cd / home / softonic / Downloads / ms-sys
  • Run the command make. If you type an error msgfmt not find , you must install the gettext .
  • Then type make install with administrator privileges (root). Now
ms-sys is already installed.

Step 4 - Fix the Master Boot Record

First, you must find out which device corresponds to the Windows partition. For this you must run in the Terminal command fdisk-l with administrator privileges. You will usually indicate
/ dev/sda1 , but it is worth to check.
Based on the most common case, you must execute the order ms-sys-m / dev/sda1 for the Windows MBR start the next time you start your computer.
And that's all. Easy and fast.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ontario Drivers License Maker

Jailbreak iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2G RedSn0w iOS 4.1 with Windows and Mac 0.9.6b1

Jailbreak iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2G RedSn0w iOS 4.1 for Windows and Mac 0.9.6b1 "
RedSn0w 0.9.6b1 Jailbreak iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2G iOS 4.1 con RedSn0w 0.9.6b1 en Windows y Mac

Jailbreak iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2G RedSn0w iOS 4.1 for Windows and Mac 0.9.6b1

0.9.6b1 RedSn0w can jailbreak the iPhone 3G iDevices and iPod Touch 2G for IOS 4.1. then we'll show you how to use 0.9.6b1 RedSn0w to jailbreak the iPhone 4.1 in iOS 3G and the iPod Touch 2G, models and non-MC MC. The steps are exactly the same for Windows and Mac .
Beforehand I remember that not responsible for loss or damage you may suffer your device, as this guide is purely informative and will be followed at your own risk.
Note: If users have to unlock your iPhone 3G iDevice must wait until the PwnageTool is available.
Users of iPod Touch 2G jailbreak can do both at the MC, as a non-MC models. If you're an MC model, each time you reboot, you must connect iTouch to the computer to boot, so you might prefer to stay at 4.0.x iOS wait Greenpois0n support is available.

How to jailbreak the iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2G 4.1 with RedSn0w iOS 0.9.6b1

Step 1 .- Download iOS 4.1 (iPhone 3G ) ( iPod Touch 2G) and RedSn0w 0.9.6b1 ( Windows ) ( Mac )

Step 2 .- Connect your iPhone 3G / iPod Touch 2G to iTunes and restore the IOS 4.1. Ten pending IOS 4.1 updates the iPhone 3G baseband, which is not unlockable at the moment.

Step 3 .- Once your iPhone 3G or iPod Touch 2G is running IOS 4.1., Run the file you downloaded 0.9.6b1 RedSn0w in Step 1.

Step 4 .- Click the Browse button and select the firmware iOS 4.1, also downloaded in Step 1. RedSn0w recognize the firmware and then Next click the option .

Step 5 .- Select the options you want to configure for your device and make sure the option "Install Cydia " is selected. Now, click the Next button .

Step 6 .- RedSn0w tell you turn off your device. When you're off and connected, press the next option.

Step 7 .- Now you will be instructed to put your device in DFU mode. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Once your device is in DFU mode, RedSn0w begin to do the jailbreak. When IOS 4.1 jailbreak is done, you will see Cydia icon on the screen of your iPhone 3G or iPod Touch 2G.

If you're using Windows and you see the message of "Waiting for reboot " for longer than 20 seconds, approximately, is accelerating the process of jailbreak disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable while RedSn0w continues to execute its process.

Something you can try is to use a USB port closest to your computer. As we know other tactics to stay afloat with any obstacle in the process, we let you know.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Decorated Valentines Cookies

Ubuntu 10.10: Once installed, now what? Barcelona

Ubuntu 10.10: Once installed, now what? "
did it! You downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 and you have installed, either alone, alongside Windows or within a virtual machine . What now?
Ubuntu is a great operating system but everything is improved, and the default installation does not always include what you need.
We explain why you should add to Ubuntu 10.10 out of the box. Register
Ubuntu Ubuntu
One One is the service of Ubuntu focused on backing up your files, bookmarks and contacts on the network, so that you have them at your fingertips on multiple computers or if you format your computer.
The basic package is free and offers up to 2GB of space.
However, during the installation process there is no option to show you how to register for Ubuntu One
So click on your username in the GNOME panel, top right, select the Ubuntu option and One ... then opens a wizard to create your own Ubuntu One
have more information about this service on their official website. Taking advantage of your hardware

Ubuntu supports most devices. However, is limited to providing free drivers.
If you want to use proprietary license controllers, should go to System> Administration> Additional Drivers .
The wizard will show controllers available depending on the devices in your computer.
Medibuntu for multimedia enthusiasts
For copyright and licensing issues of use, Ubuntu does not include certain codecs and packages to help you play any video and audio formats, including protected discs.
therefore need to add the Medibuntu repository, maintained by those responsible for Ubuntu.
Step 1 - Add the Medibuntu repository. Open Terminal and paste the following code: sudo wget
-Output-document = / etc / apt / sources.list.d / medibuntu.list $ (lsb_release-cs). List & & sudo apt- -quiet get update & & sudo apt-get-yes-quiet-allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring & & sudo apt-get update-quiet
Step 2 - Install Medibuntu with the command:
sudo apt-get-yes install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu
The help page Medibuntu get more information.
U buntu Tweak, customization and tuning
The case of Ubuntu Tweak is curious. A program as comprehensive and useful nor by default with Ubuntu.
The reason is clear, and it offers some features that are dangerous in the wrong hands, so you better be careful if you have too much knowledge. A backup is not over. To install Ubuntu Tweak
just download the installer and double click it. Ubuntu wizard will help in the process.
Java, an indispensable
hated and equally desired, Java is an essential complement for either web-based games on this platform to platform applications programmed in Java.
While Ubuntu can install a Java machine, it is best to use the official.
Step 1 - Add the official repository Sun from the Terminal: sudo
add-apt-repository ppa: sun-java-community-team/sun-java6
Step 2 - Update packages available
sudo apt-get update
Step 3 - Install Java
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin
When installation see the Java Control Panel in System> Preferences .
Customizing Ubuntu, like any other operating system, is very personal. Depending on your needs daily and your tastes. However, with the five councils that have given you, you'll have a better Ubuntu.
Now it's up to you. "After installing Ubuntu I usually change?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Causes Fingers To Be Numb

BOEING B-17 "Flying Fortress"

B-17G of the Squadron, 477 Bombardment Group
(marked with green stripes) of the 8th . Air Force,
based in Norfolk. England, 1944-1945.
This aircraft belonged to 709 Squadron as previously
white paint is visible through descacaramiento
yellow paint (other than 711) of the fairings
mobile surfaces are painted rudders
with dull olive green.

Among the aircraft that made history, not just aviation figure in the foreground the Flying Fortress, the aircraft like the Liberator came closer than any other in the performances and use can be made of it, to the ideas of Douhet about the means to exercise the "air power" over the enemy.
Manufactured by 12,731 copies, the American four-day allowed for heavy attacks on Germany, carried out by huge formations arranged in a "box" to increase the effectiveness of mutual support. Availability number allowed to move at the same time many Pacific aircraft to the front and provide 169 of these to the RAF.
The Boeig B-17G-version that we take into consideration as especially representative of the entire series, was a four-to low-wing cantilever all-metal construction, with considerable cross-shaped surface stabilizers and tricycle landing gear fully back Retractable.
The wing built with symmetric biconvex profile, had a structure with two beams of light alloy tubular moldings, joined by a diagonal grid of riveted, with many ribs arranged in a grid. The coating was avional sheets, reinforced by a internal coating corrugated sheet. The two wing were attached directly through joints of high strength steel in the fuselage sides, whose maximum diameter was about twice the thickness of the wing appeared in the root, and in each of these was subdivided into three different elements , the inner section, with two gondolas and motor stud landing gear, the outer section, on which lay the spoiler coated fabric (with maximum angles of + - 12 degrees) and finally the wing tips.
The wing was fitted with large flaps of soffit constant string in the corner maximum of 45 °, reduced the rate of support about fifteen km / h. The wing structure was fairly light, weighing about 20 kg per square meter, extremely resistant, was capable of causing serious damage without giving much importance.
The fuselage, which is circular, consisted of a set of nine elements, the bow, the tube, the section that housed the cockpit, the central section incorporating the bomb bay, the center-rear section , the tapered rear section to which were attached the stabilizers, the cone terminal with the tail gunner's position, and the item covering the cockpit and joined the back of the fuselage.
The fuselage structure was based on a compact set of Z-section frames, in three resistant beams in double exclusion T (two dorsal and ventral) and in many reinforcing stringers L.
The trapezoidal horizontal tailplane, and the vertical fin to the property had all-metal structure on surfaces coated fixed and mobile web for. The rudder and the two Semi-raised, like the left wing, were fitted with corrective fins while the leading edge of the fixed surfaces, the external wing of the sections of the wing between the engine nacelle inner and outer bands were fitted with rubber tires thawing.

The studs above the landing gear, fitted with air / oil shock absorbers and wheels of 1,424 meters in diameter, covered with cloth sixteen , electrically retracted internal drive shelves with forward rotation, but not completely hide there. The tail wheel, arranged in very advanced position, he withdrew into the belly of the fuselage, turning back.
motors B-17G was the star of nine-cylinder Wright Cyclone R-1820, with gear, Bendix injection carburetor and discharge gas turbochargers with General Electric B 22, equipped with electronic control systems, Minneapolis Honeywell installed in the belly of the drive aisles, and receiving the air to power the motor and the internal cooling groups making mouths arranged on the wing leading edge. The engines were installed in nacelles well aerodynamically shaped, attached to benches in steel tubes and were isolated by bulkheads plane flame sheet steel. These power three-bladed Hamilton Standard propeller constant speed of 3.53 meters in diameter, with the possibility of feathering and defrosting liquid surface.
The power supply was always, in all B-17, perhaps the least satisfactory, revealing quite vulnerable to enemy attacks. This consisted, in addition to the various pipes, pumps, valves, filters and control bodies, by no less than twenty-four wing tanks (arranged two between the wing from the fuselage and nacelles internal drive, four between the motor and eighteen gondolas on the outside of these)
all self-sealing type, to which could add additional tanks installed in the bomb bay for long-haul flights, which had total capacity of the team consisting of 10,533 to 13,627 liters. The lubricant, for a total of 560 liters, was contained in four self-sealing tanks, installed in the drive aisles in the back of the bulkhead flame.
Great care had been put on the problem of securing a job easy and safe even in long-range aircraft and the highest peaks and the B-17G had, in fact, autopilot, for four different networks gaseous oxygen inhalation of a heating device powered by a glycol heat generator, installed in the left internal engine nacelle. They were also highly developed communications radios and navigation, the aircraft was provided, including, intercom equipment for the crew.

The defensive armament of the B-17G was certainly one of the most effective and best studied of all installed on the bombers of the Second World War. Was based on no less than thirteen 12.7 mm machine guns located two on each of the turrets caudal, dorsal, ventral and anterior debajo de la gran trompa transparente. A esta ocho armas se sumaban las dos laterales, para la defensa de los laterales del fuselaje, la dorsal (comunmente ausente) ubicada en el compartimiento del radiotelegrafista y las dos instaladas a los lados de la trompa. La carga de bombas, excepto en las misiones de cortas distancias, era por el contrario bastante limitada, no superando habitualmente los 2.500 kg, a pesar de que (muy raramente) la aplicación de viguetas portabombas debajo de la raiz del ala permitía llevar la carga ofensiva a 9.454 kg, en misiones de poco alcance. La mira de puntería giroscópica Norden, instalada en la gran trompa transparente, permitía una buena precisión de tiro, a pesar de que el empleo del bombardero Boeing in large formations (with components on the target simultaneously unhooked) and from very high altitude was detrimental to the accuracy of the sight. Finally, the plane was equipped with heavy armor to protect the crew.
For open tender in May 1934 for a plurimotor bomber, Boeing redesigned the civil transport methods Model 247 by means of improvements already made to the giant four-engine bomber Model 294, then under construction by the acronym XBLR- 1 (later replaced by XB-15) for a four relatively small but abundant engine power and the latest possible. The prototype (which was not the designation XB-17) began flying on July 28, 1935 in Seattle, pilot Les R. Tower. On August 20, he moved to Wright Field for the official tests, covering 3,400 km of the route in just nine hours nonstop. However, the prototype was destroyed on October 30 in an accident that did not undermine, however, won confidence during the tests, so much so he ordered a pre-series of thirteen Y1B-17, different engine prototype (Wright GR-1820-39 930 horses instead of the P & W R-1690E "Hornet" from 750) and the crew of nine instead of eight.
were many variations and transformations bombers for other tasks, from transport (C-108) the photographic identification (16 F-9), experimental release of radio-glider bombs, the Marine Distress (130 B-17h, then SG-17G), employment and white radio controls (DB-17) or as flying bombs radio controls (about twenty of the version BQ-7), the most diverse experimental features.
Twelve Y1B-17 team since the summer of 1937 the 2 nd Bomb Group of the USAir Corps, distinguished in bright tours in Latin America and "intercepting" a long way from American shores some transatlantic ships overseas, including Italian Rex. The episode sucite diplomatic protests and gave great fame to the big bombers.
war The first job I had twenty B-17C delivered to the RAF which entered service with 90 Squadron in May 1941 under the name of Fortress I. Were employed mainly in individual actions against German naval bases (also in the Netherlands and Norway) and this tactic, along with several deficiencies of the aircraft, led to disappointing results: in 51 aircraft missions isolated, 26 failed for technical reasons and returned Strengths without having thrown bombs. Therefore, the planes were sent to the Middle East, where they operated against the Italian fleet in the Mediterranean and carried out actions on Benghazi night and in October 1942 as Scotland went assigned to Coastal Command for maritime reconnaissance.
On the American side, 33 aircraft models C and D were in the Philippines, Hawaii and others in the other twelve were getting there when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Most of the four-engined completed destroyed in the fields, but on 10 December, three of the twenty surviving aircraft made the first offensive action of American aviation in World War II, attacking Japanese ships, before the 19 Group retire to Australia. The following month, the unit moved to Java for resuming offensive, and received the first B-17E, which operated in the Pacific especially for the recognition of powerful, proving to be very valuable, particularly the June 4, 1942, when they participated in the Battle of Midway.
can not help but remember the job that the Germans and Japanese did in the Flying Fortress. The first arrived about twenty copies have airworthy, and equipped with them a special operations unit of a different nature, from the recognition of "cheating" against American planes identical (the USAAF reacted with a similar ploy, putting as bait to a YB-40) and the latter succeeded in reconstructing three strengths of the remains left in the conquered areas, giving similar to the intended use by the Germans, although on a smaller scale.
Finally, after the war, three B-17G became part of the nascent Israeli aircraft, acting psychological action in the war of 1948. A peaceful uses were, however, the few examples provided to the Dominican Republic and Brazil, while six Strengths confiscated by the Swedish government after it landed in its territory during the war, had been transformed directly into civilian transport. After the war, the B-17 also found employment as a "water bomber" for fighting forest fires and a plane photogrammetry to French geographical school.

Information obtained from the work Storia dell Aviazione.

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hena


Barcelona Nevada :
I did not see a snowfall like this for years, many years. The most surprising thing is that Barcelona is a Mediterranean city where it's cold just two or three weeks a year. And we have had days of colder than today during this winter has been amazing and unexpected, despite the predictions. As if you do not believe ...

The photos I've taken with my mobile after work so they are not very good, but they show something that my sons had not yet seen in this city. It was 17h Monday March 8, 2010.


How Long To Let Aquarium Sealant Dry

Advanced LAN Scanner: Scan local area network for Windows 7

Advanced LAN Scanner: Scan local area network for Windows 7 " Advanced LAN Scanner When managing a data network (local area) in your home is normal to want to have the control over everything that has to do with it. Information such as the ports are open, for example, is very important, and precisely that you can learn to use Advanced LAN Scanner, an interesting network scanner that is quite comprehensive.

Read more "

Old School Punch 150 On 12s

ObjectDock 2: The best dock menu for Windows 7 with new functions

ObjectDock 2: The best dock menu for Windows 7 with new functions " ObjectDock On previous occasions we've talked about Y'z Dock and RocketDock, two programs that have given them your words and bars that allow us to dock in our PC the same way as do users of Mac OS X. But, this time talking about another alternative I think is the final: ObjectDock which released its second version.

Read more "

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Whats A Good Scar Airsoft Gun

BRISTOL Blenheim

Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV that operated in the 13th. Training Unit Operational
in Speke, England, in 1941. Military Registration V6083;
individual letter B and FV letters indicating the unit.

=============================================== =======================

When Lord Rothermere, the wealthy owner of "Mail Dailies" wanted to have the fastest, most European aircraft (if not directly the best in the world), said firmly requesting the last aircraft of the Bristol babies: The "135." Was a small twin-engine six to eight lances Barmwell Frank, head of the British house planning, had studied in 1933 and for which, in the absence of suitable propellant, it had made an engine Bristol star "as" : Eagle, 350 hp. Lord Rothermer pay eighteen thousand five hundred pounds if the plane would be ready within the year and, therefore, gave away half of the figure to sign the order. Bristol kept the faith with the commitments undertaken with the press magnate (which, among other things, was a power in the pre-war English political world) and a prototype aircraft, designated "142" and equipped with more powerful 640 hp Mercury engines, first flown at Filton on 12 April 1935.
was inevitable that the Air Ministry took an interest in this aircraft, favorably impressed by the speed of the twin that exceeded, by far, the fighter aircraft then in service in the Royal Air Force. At this point, there was only immediately propose the transformation of the "Britain First" (and had been renamed the plane), in a fast bomber. 28/35 specification Type 142M Blenheim was born I started already, though not yet passed from the papers with a firm order of one hundred and fifty copies. On June 25, 1936 the first of these, the K7033, made its first flight at Filton. Having quickly completed the assessment tests in Martlesham Heath, in the following December was decided to start mass production of new aircraft.
The Blenheim, all-metal monoplane, was altogether a very simple design unit in which the aerodynamic finish seemed to have been sacrificed to obtain other important benefits. Medioplano convergent wing plant, was conducted in three parts, of which the plant was riveted to the fuselage, the two wing spars was obtained from two heavy steel flanges alclad ribs, the ribs were also made in alclad and lining of the wing was the same material. flaps were also alclad, while the wings were coated metal frame and fabric. The fuselage monocoque resistant structure was divided into three sections alaclad coated rivets. The tail section, cantilever monoplane, was also completely mobile metallic surfaces coated fabric and aerodynamically balanced and statically.

The landing gear was the main wheels shrink back (in the drive aisles) with hydraulic command but with the addition of an emergency command manual. At first, even the tail wheel was given in the fuselage. The undercarriage was fitted, usually, Dunlop brakes.
engines Mercuty nine-cylinder Bristol-model according to different variants of the aircraft, were equipped with three-bladed propellers with variable pitch metal. Two fuel tanks of 632 liters each, were located in the center wing section, whereas the oil tanks (two for a total of 77 liters) were installed inside the motor nacelles.
The standard aircraft equipment included, inter alia, radio transceiver, cameras and navigation equipment, oxygen systems, fire extinguishers, etc..
The crew, usually consisting of three people, undertook a pilot, a navigator-bombardier and gunner controlling the firing back in the fuselage.
The first units arrived in Blenheim in March 1937 (the No. 114 Squadron Wyton was the one who received the first twin), and at first asked one hundred and fifty copies, was followed by another by 434 aircraft. Almost simultaneously, also abroad became interested in the new device: among other countries, Finland, Turkey and Yugoslavia.
thirteen were provided copies of Blenheim I to Romania in November 1939, hoping to persuade her that she join the Allies. A year later, the Balkan country joined the Axis and Blenheim, as the Finns, were used against the Russians accordingly.
Blenheim I All these engines were fitted with Bristol Mercury VIII star of 840 horses, carrying a crew of three men and a turret weapons semirretráctil Bristol undertook Mk.1 with 7.7 mm Lewis machine gun, the previous weapon , of the same caliber Browning was installed in the left wing.
In total, from July 1936 until the introduction of the later variant, Blenheim I production was 1,280 copies, of which 250 had been manufactured by the AV Roe factory in Chadderton and 336 by Rootes Speke and Blythe Bridge, while the rest were armed by the Bristol Filton.

In 1940, a Blenheim I (L 1348) was amended by Bristol to improve their performances and photo-reconnaissance aircraft.
At the beginning of the war, Bomber Command had six Squadron equipped with the Blenheim IV: two of them were immediately transferred to France as part of the Advanced Air Striking Force, while the other four units were the Corps air component British expedition. After the fall of France, the Blenheim IV day continued with missions on the continent, often without fighter escort, but losses were significant. Among the most significant missions can count Bremen attack on July 4, 1941, by which HU Wing Commander Edwards earned the Victoria Cross and the attack on Cologne next month. A major task that had attacked the Blenheim enemy fleet in the Channel and the Bay of Biscay. These attacks were made, usually at altitudes of 15 to 20 meters and, in these conditions, the aircraft were severely subjected to heavy enemy reaction. However, overall, showed very well resist the attacks of the air defense.
When Germany began the "Operation Barbarossa" to the Soviet Union, attacks by Bomber Command against German industrial targets regained force. Then, the Blenheim successfully completing many raids in Germany: Cologne and Rotterdam allaron between the centers involved. More than three hundred thousand tons of coastal vessels also were sunk in just three months with the loss of 68 Blenheim.
also in distant Malaysia, against the Japanese, the British twin wore. From Rangoon, the Blenheim periodically conducted bombing missions over Nipponese columns advancing through the rivers Salween and Sittang. Several
Blenheim IV, who were required to make crash landings in Portugal, were confiscated, and that military aircraft, which again put into service with their own colors next to the other copies of the same aircraft purchased in England.
Recent Blenheim were employees in the Bomber Command until August 1942, giving way to the Douglas "Boston" and De Havilland "Mosquito", while in the Far East, the twin-engine Bristol remained active until the end of the conflict. Some specimens were used even by the training units of Flight Command to navigation school.

Information obtained from the work Storia dell Aviazione.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Brent Everett Corrigan Movie Together

BOEING B-29 "Superfortress"

A B-29-97BW modified to night bombing, Installed
radar in a ventral radome immediately behind the first
of the two lower turrets.
The acronym in the tube was adopted soon after "VJ Day"
(the day of Victory over Japan) and the letters were assigned BF
the B-29, and figures were the last of the military registration (in this case
The vertical stabilizer, the black circle of the 6 th Bomber Group,
with an arrow in the center, it replaced after the operations
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the "R", in August 1945
had been made to give a false indication of the aircraft
"Atomic Squadron" making them appear as belonging
to another unit.

======================================== =========================

The first "giant" mass produced and used in military operations, the aircraft with the release of the first atomic bombs determined the rapid conclusion of hostilities in the East and opened the era of nuclear weapons, for Finally, due to a strange series of circumstances, the device that the USSR provided the key to air power to adapt itself to the technological standard of the United States and provided the means to balance the ability of these intercontinental bomber, setting the "balance of terror. " Such
importance in history, could not be worthy of a plane either. In fact, the "flying Superfortress" was the opposite: the sum of the entire U.S. scientific and industrial capacity to mobilize for a massive effort, the result of years of advanced research in all sectors of aviation technology, motors, electronics, equipment, materials and weapons.
The Model 334A can be considered the first true ancestor of the B-29, was introduced in July 1939 seemed so promising that Boeing took over the costs of conducting a life-size prototype, which was ready in December. In those days, the Chief of Staff of the USAAC was authorized to publish the requirements for a successor to the B-17 and B-24 , the January 29, 1940 the specifications were sent to Boeing, Douglas, Consolidated and Lockheed. The Boeing, which meanwhile had continued to develop his project coming to the model 341 (larger and, above all, with new wing profile), in the spring reworked it again in the Model 345, characterized by the appearance of the turrets remote-for almost all of the defensive armament, and the posts after the landing gear with dual wheels which retracted into the inner engine nacelles instead of flat on the wing, they were practically all the features Highlights of future B-29.
The B-29 was a sleek all-metal four-engined mid-wing, tricycle landing gear and empennage previous monoderiva shrink.
The most technically advanced part of the Superfortress from the point of view of aerodynamics, was undoubtedly the wing, carried out in laminar profiles and characterized by a high aspect ratio (11.49), and fitted with sliding flaps that refined Landing on the surface increased about 20%.

The fuselage, of aerodynamics and of circular section, composed essentially of a cylindrical section and a conical section joined together, was also semi-monocoque structure, coated sheet reinforced with transverse ribs and many transverse stringers. This consisted of three main structural elements, the middle section attached to the wing and in which tanks were located bomb, the previous section, containing the cockpit, and the back cone, to which were attached the stabilizers: The crew, commonly composed of ten or eleven people, was housed in the large pressurized tube in previous comparisons, also pressurized rear fuselage cone. These two compartments were connected by a cylindrical tunnel alrrededor of 85 cm in diameter running through the bomb bay, while the defensive line position, also pressurized, was isolated in flying height.
Stabilizers plant that had the same shape as those of B-17, were made of a triple-derived crossbar attached to the fuselage by the large dorsal fin, and a double stabilizer spar, which were articulated the helm and the two Semi-raised respectively
The B-29 engines were double those of eighteen cylinders star Wright "Cyclone" R-3350-23 approximately 55 liters of displacement, gear type whose constant speed and feathering device, allowed the use of considerable propeller diameter (5055 m) and high performance. Its centrifugal compressor mechanically driven supercharger, along with two General Electric gas turbochargers download installed on each motor gondolas (with the respective groups interrefrigeración), allowed them to deliver maximum power of 2,332 hp at 7,620 meters of height, but the same power was quite inadequate for an aircraft of the weight of B-29 and, in fact, the four-engine Boeing reach maturity only with the installation of more powerful Ptatt & Whitney R-4360-35 3,549 horses adopted in the later B-50.
The War Office funded with $ 85,652 to Boeing by further data on the aerodynamics of the Model 345, on June 14, 1940, the day of the occupation of Paris by the Germans. E'27 other funds and were awarded a contract from September 6 provided for the construction of two prototypes with the initials XB-29 (later increased to three) plus a static test cell.
The first XB-29 (registration 41-002) without arms, began flights on 21 September 1942; was followed by the second (41-003) characterized by the three-bladed propellers and retractable turrets, as planned for the Model 345, while the third (41-18335) was passed to the turret will not shrink, if the type and Sperry targeted through periscopes while since the first of the 14 YB-29 adopting the General Electric system with the aim from hemispheric transparent bubble.
A B-29A was equipped with Pratt & Whitney R-4360 (28 cylinders in four stars) of 3,548 horses taking the initials XB-44, the standard version should be the B-29D, but respective order was canceled with the end of the war, and when it resumed in 1946, the acronym was changed to B-50.
The USAF used several B-29 for the launch of experimental aircraft (including the X-1 rocket plane, which was the first to develop supersonic speeds on October 14, 1947), including the "parasite fighter" Mc Donnell XF-85, which was expected to ride aboard the massive B-36.

For actions with atomic bombs was established with 15 variously modified B-29, 393 Squadron (VH), the 509th Composite Group: August 6 1945, the airplane "Enola Gay" unhooked first atomic bomb (the "Little Boy") on Hiroshima, and 9 of that same month, the "Fat Boy" was disengaged by the B-29 named "Bock 's car" on Nagasaki.
The July 29, 1944, a B-29 771 Squadron of 462 GB, returning from a mission in Anshan, in Manchuris, was hit by antiaircraft artillery and Captain Howard R. Jarrell, unable to reach the base of Kiunglai China, decided to land in Siberia, ie in Soviet territory, relying on the state of alliance between the U.S. and the USSR. The Russian fighter is a threat received in the plane and forced it to land on Tavricianka, near Vladivostok, the crew was carried inland, and the hijacked plane. The same fate befell other two B-29, 11 and 21 November respectively.

Information obtained from the work Storia del Aviazione.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wendy Calio's Birthday

CONSOLIDATED B-24 "Liberator"

In the illustration, the B-24 enrollment 41123859, belonging to the 9th. Air Force
based Benghazi (Libya) in February 1943, pilot error, Lieut
Dan Story, after a raid on Naples, during which he
result with an engine damaged by antiaircraft artillery, landed at
Pachino (Sicily) where he was captured and repainted with the insignia
In the following June in Rechlin crashed, which had been sent
to be considered in the experimental facilities in Germany, where he stayed.

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The Consolidated B-24 "Liberator" holds an important and enviable record: it was the American military plane produced in greater quantity and variations during the Second World War. No less than 18,188 four-engine of this type out of the factories of the manufacturers for the Consolidated Vultee, and many other industries scattered throughout the United States who participated in the massive bomber production program.
His story began in 1939 when the U.S. Air Corps bomber performances looked better than the B-17. Laddon Isaac, head of Consolidated Planning, had only nine months to design the aircraft, make it and make it fly. The Model 32, the prototype XB-24 first flew on December 29, 1939 at Lindbergh Field, responding to the American school of the time, who wanted speedy bombers capable of flying for a long time at high altitude and a good offensive load. The American firm, who had long worked on seaplanes, faced an embarrassing first aircraft project land, distinguished by some very modern features, like the previous tricycle landing gear, high wing with high aspect ratio slip Fowler flaps, and large drifts Similar to the previous mounted PB2Y naval seaplane.
The prototype of 1939, immediately following seven pre-production aircraft (YB-24) and 36 B-24A, all aimed at an intensive program of valuation by the USAAF.

The Liberator was a four-engine high wing all metal (except coated control surfaces) with tricycle landing gear and empennage previous dual retractable drift.
The Liberator Wing based at Davis laminar profiles derived from those used in the previous Model 31 flying boat, was extremely advanced both aerodynamic and structurally. Its high elongation (about 12 m) on the plane assured him an important bearing capacity and excellent features of climbing and especially scope, while the laminar airfoils and wing loading allowed considerable, despite the large fuselage, brilliant performances speed. To reduce (within acceptable limits), the minimum speeds that result from the high wing loading, the wing was provided to over 55 percent of its size, of very modern flaps slip Fowler with a maximum angulation of 40 °, in which part willing outer flaps, extending to the junctions of the leads.
In terms of construction, the wing was divided into five elements: a central section of nearly 17 meter wingspan, which crossed the back of the fuselage and came to the external drive shelves, two outer sections that since these gondolas extended to unions with the same tip and wing tips. The structure was a classic semi-monocoque type, based on a dual rail drawer (which became the gondola quad rail between internal and external driving, in correspondence with the accommodation of the posts after the landing gear) with a reinforced coating sets of ribs and longitudinal stringers U (on back) and Z (belly).
The fuselage also had semi-monocoque structure, based on many frames and stringers in Z, and resistant frames corresponding to the anterior and posterior wing box with the ends of the bomb bay and the joints of the drive landing and the empennage. The longitudinal stringers assumed a U-section of the fuselage in the compartment occupied by the bomb rack, where the lining was interrupted in the womb. The union of the wing to the fuselage was particularly simple and light and to a large extent, was entrusted to the link, by riveting and bolts, including the lining of the wing box and fuselage.
The empennage consisted of a double rail stabilizer with rectangular, which were joined by the two Semi-raised hinges constant string and the ends were joined drifts with double rail structure. All structures were moving surfaces single rail, were balanced statically and provided corrective fins (such as spoilers, at first only the right and then both).
The landing gear had studs with air / oil shock absorbers and wheels of 1.71 meters (later, equipped with hydraulic brakes) and 1.10 meters (above). The earlier train was retracted back into the belly of the fuselage, while the main gear rotated outward, shoves in the belly of the wing. A retractable skid was placed in the queue.
Liberator's engines were excellent double star fourteen-cylinder Pratt & Whitney "Twin Wasp" R-1830, belonging to several series, with a maximum power of 1,217 horses. The engines, equipped with discharge gas turbochargers installed in the belly of the gondola (which provide the maximum power allowed even to alrrededor height of 7,500 meters), three-bladed Curtiss propeller powering electrically controlled, constant speed and feathering . They were housed in fairings characteristic elliptical shape due to the location of the radiators of lubricant on the sides of the engines.
The Liberator feeding equipment flowed into twelve self-sealing tanks arranged in the drawer of the section center wing, with a total capacity of 8,025 liters, which, however, could be taken to 13,679 liters in total, with the use of tanks installed in the external wing and fuselage bomb bay. The team fed the main hydraulic actuators for the flaps, landing gear, brakes and wheel compartment of the breaches of bomb rack (which is retracted into the fuselage), while a separate computer powering the turret flow. The plane was equipped with equipment for inhalation of oxygen, inflatable boats (in missions at sea) and navigation devices and telecommunication very complete, covering an intercom, three transmitters, four receivers, and rediogoniómetro radiocompás.
Liberator defensive armament, in the more heavily used, commonly consisted of ten 12.7-mm machine guns, installed in the double-barreled turrets placed on the bow, dorsal, caudal and ventral (retractable) and in individual stalls operated manually, the side of the fuselage. Up to 5,800 kg of bombs, housed vertically in the large compartment of the fuselage (split longitudinally from the ventral platform) could be transported in short-distance missions, being hung directly on wing box running through the fuselage, greatly reducing the charges against the latter. Steel armor protected the crew and key equipment, and in the transparent tube, was installed the looks of aim gyroscopic Norden.

The first copies of the series of B-24 were intended for export, but the 120 bombers originally ordered by the French government were not delivered and were assigned to England (as Liberator I) in spring 1941.Algunos designated LB-30A aircraft were used to transport, while most armed specimens were transferred to the RAF Coastal Command for use in antisubmarine warfare. The next version, provided for the RAF, was the Liberator II that had no equivalent in American aviation. It differed from the Mk.I through the tube longer and, most of the 139 aircraft delivered, Boulton Paul had two turrets, one in the tail and a dorsal.
American Aviation had the first B.24A in June 1941, followed by nine B-24C with turbocharged engines provided with gas discharge and modified weapons. Version B-24D was the first to be actually used in the bomber role, powered by Pratt & Whitney "Twin Wasp "R-1830-43. The first B-24D took a limited weapons, which included a single 7.7 mm machine gun in the tube with no windows and two guns of the same caliber in posts dorsal, ventral and caudal.Pero the military operations, especially those in which the bomber had to face the enemy fighter, showed that these weapons in the bow was totally inadequate and the following copies of B-24D was equipped with another weapon in the bow, and a position with manual control on the side of the fuselage. Meanwhile, the offensive load capacity went from 3,630 to 5,800 kilograms.
is most often made changes to the specification of the Liberator during the first months of 1943, leading to the production of new models that differed from predecessors precisely in the defensive armament and military cargo transportable.
in production aircraft was introduced in June 1943 (from 491 to exactly copy of the production line raised by Ford), the bow turret Emerson coupled with electric. These specimens were designated B-24H and were characterized by the new engine series R-1830-65. In the two previous intermediate series, B-24E and B-24G, with minor differences of detail, were made respectively, 791 and 430 copies.
Efforts to remedy the operational problems that had been verified in models G, H and, in part, on the B-24J, has led to a significant increase in the total weight of the aircraft, fully loaded with war, was around the 25,000 kg, sometimes even surpassing the limitations imposed by the designers. Obviously, the flight performance was affected by it: little reserve power in the takeoff, climb rate limited fuel consumption very high, and so on. But the undesirable consequences of this weight gain were undoubtedly the theoretical and lowering the ceiling, especially in height, the lower stability of the aircraft. Consequently, operational height of the formations of B-24 was frequently lower than desired and collisions due to sudden loss of control were common in training required to fly in adverse weather conditions.

The Liberator had their baptism of fire at American aircraft with variant B-24D. The first bomber group that received the new UAV was 44 in February 1942, then had the 98 of the 9th. Desert Air Force (August 1942) that during the naval battle in mid-August, the fleet operated against Italian group and 93 of the 8th. Air Force that led the Liberator on a mission in October 1942 Lila.
The first units of the USAAF with Liberator turret on the bow (B-24H) were sent to England in August 1943, shortly after the B-24 base in North Africa had been performed (1 August 1943) the famous raid on oil fields and refineries of Ploesti, after which the B-24J replaced in almost all units to their predecessors. Equipped with Liberator groups were so many that it is practically impossible to make a complete list.
Peak Liberator in aviation service American was reached in September 1944 with 6,043 copies, about half of them in 177 front-line units.

Information obtained from the work Storia dell Aviazione.