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Ubuntu 10.10: Once installed, now what? Barcelona

Ubuntu 10.10: Once installed, now what? "
did it! You downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 and you have installed, either alone, alongside Windows or within a virtual machine . What now?
Ubuntu is a great operating system but everything is improved, and the default installation does not always include what you need.
We explain why you should add to Ubuntu 10.10 out of the box. Register
Ubuntu Ubuntu
One One is the service of Ubuntu focused on backing up your files, bookmarks and contacts on the network, so that you have them at your fingertips on multiple computers or if you format your computer.
The basic package is free and offers up to 2GB of space.
However, during the installation process there is no option to show you how to register for Ubuntu One
So click on your username in the GNOME panel, top right, select the Ubuntu option and One ... then opens a wizard to create your own Ubuntu One
have more information about this service on their official website. Taking advantage of your hardware

Ubuntu supports most devices. However, is limited to providing free drivers.
If you want to use proprietary license controllers, should go to System> Administration> Additional Drivers .
The wizard will show controllers available depending on the devices in your computer.
Medibuntu for multimedia enthusiasts
For copyright and licensing issues of use, Ubuntu does not include certain codecs and packages to help you play any video and audio formats, including protected discs.
therefore need to add the Medibuntu repository, maintained by those responsible for Ubuntu.
Step 1 - Add the Medibuntu repository. Open Terminal and paste the following code: sudo wget
-Output-document = / etc / apt / sources.list.d / medibuntu.list $ (lsb_release-cs). List & & sudo apt- -quiet get update & & sudo apt-get-yes-quiet-allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring & & sudo apt-get update-quiet
Step 2 - Install Medibuntu with the command:
sudo apt-get-yes install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu
The help page Medibuntu get more information.
U buntu Tweak, customization and tuning
The case of Ubuntu Tweak is curious. A program as comprehensive and useful nor by default with Ubuntu.
The reason is clear, and it offers some features that are dangerous in the wrong hands, so you better be careful if you have too much knowledge. A backup is not over. To install Ubuntu Tweak
just download the installer and double click it. Ubuntu wizard will help in the process.
Java, an indispensable
hated and equally desired, Java is an essential complement for either web-based games on this platform to platform applications programmed in Java.
While Ubuntu can install a Java machine, it is best to use the official.
Step 1 - Add the official repository Sun from the Terminal: sudo
add-apt-repository ppa: sun-java-community-team/sun-java6
Step 2 - Update packages available
sudo apt-get update
Step 3 - Install Java
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin
When installation see the Java Control Panel in System> Preferences .
Customizing Ubuntu, like any other operating system, is very personal. Depending on your needs daily and your tastes. However, with the five councils that have given you, you'll have a better Ubuntu.
Now it's up to you. "After installing Ubuntu I usually change?


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