Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dmt Communication With Aliens

boot Windows from Linux MBR

Recovers booting Windows from Linux MBR :
The Master Boot Record, MBR for friends, is the first sector of a hard disk , making reference to the BIOS to start an operating system or another when you start your computer.

The MBR is very delicate. An error in the MBR prevents Windows boot , so the next trick will be very useful.

We explain how to recover the original MBR if it is damaged. Only need a Linux boot disk.
Step 1 - Get a Linux LiveCD We assume
on your computer that you installed Windows only. If you have an existing Linux distribution can skip this step.

A LiveCD is a CD that includes a version of Linux that you can use without having to install it on your hard disk. They usually come in a iso image to burn to a blank CD discs with any burner.

There are hundreds, so choose any one . All are equally useful to fix the MBR. Our favorites are Ubuntu, Fedora , System Rescue CD and Knoppix .
Step 2 - Start the computer from the LiveCD
This step differs for each team. Normally, through F12 to activate the BIOS menu. There need to configure the boot menu to start the first device is the CD / DVD and not the hard drive.
can also occur if your computer boot from the CD / DVD if you find a disc inside.
Step 3 - Install
ms-sys ms-sys is the program that will save lives. Well, just going to recover the MBR in order to start Windows without problems.
Installation is quick and easy. No issues.
  • First download the installer from here .
  • Unzip the contents to any folder.
  • Open Terminal or Linux console and navigate to the folder ms-sys. For example: cd / home / softonic / Downloads / ms-sys
  • Run the command make. If you type an error msgfmt not find , you must install the gettext .
  • Then type make install with administrator privileges (root). Now
ms-sys is already installed.

Step 4 - Fix the Master Boot Record

First, you must find out which device corresponds to the Windows partition. For this you must run in the Terminal command fdisk-l with administrator privileges. You will usually indicate
/ dev/sda1 , but it is worth to check.
Based on the most common case, you must execute the order ms-sys-m / dev/sda1 for the Windows MBR start the next time you start your computer.
And that's all. Easy and fast.


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