As illustrated, for models of the coloration metallic finish
it commonly costituida of dielectric materials (green
vermilion), by the stars (100 cm in diameter at the outer edge in
the drift, 75 cm and 50 in the wing), as prepared by the ring
around the entire air intake (neutral tone and color.) The number
individual is painted in very soft light blue, opaque.
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The most widespread game in the world in the years following the Korean War, is the monorreactor MIG-21, indicated in the code of the NATO-Soviet aircraft-like "Fishbed". A similar longevity, particularly rare among devices and more advanced game is the best demonstration of the happy approach of the project, which was not only because of the "specifications" that led to his birth but also holder of this potential development is the business card of a few models only. The aircraft, although certainly not exempt from defects and limitations, thus developed a leading role in elevating aviation Soviet quality to a level close to the U.S. and, therefore, to significantly strengthen many Allied air forces (not less than 24), satellites or supporters of the USSR. That is enough to assure the MIG-21 an important place in aviation history, even apart from its actual military effectiveness, although not negligible, appears with considerable mythic dimensions.
The MIG-21 is an all-metal monorreactor with half delta wing, tricycle landing gear prior retractable stabilizers monoderiva strong arrow and making central air-tipped Pitot.
The wing of the MIG-21, based on profiles significantly fine arrow on the leading edge just over 50 degrees and slight negative dihedral, has a structure based on three rails that extend from the sides of the fuselage (which are attached to the wing) to the junctions of the leads.
The inner sections of the wing trailing edge are occupied by the flaps, fins made of simple curvature, but blowing system fitted in the boundary layer, powered by compressed air taken from reactor. Within walking distance of the points on the back of the two wing are arranged small plates slip.
The fuselage section is oval and its responsiveness to the rule areas, is divided into two parts, joined at about the height of the wing trailing edge, so as to facilitate both transport aircraft, and to guarantee access to the engine. Is semi-monocoque structure of the classic type, coated reinforced by transverse diaphragms (of which there are four frames of force, to which are attached the wing) and longitudinal stringers.
A large dorsal fin, which is hosted part of the avionics and why these checks that go to the tail section, joining the ceiling of the cab to the root of the drift, while the ventral lining part of the three aerodynamic brakes previous two placed next to each other and one rear, respectively articulated at the level of leading edge and about two thirds of the chord of the wing root.
The stabilizers are made of a triple stringer derived from generous dimensions, which is articulated hydraulically servo controls the rudder, horizontal half-planes and two-piece, in a similar drive, in which ends are arranged for rolling mass characteristics dynamic antiflutter functions.
At the root of the trailing edge of the vertical plane is located parachute brake housing and a wide flap is applied the belly of the fuselage.
The landing gear tires alrrededor pressure of 8 atmospheres, consists of the previous stud fitted with swivel wheel, and it retracts forward into the belly of the tube, and the two rear studs, that retract into the belly of the wing, while the wheels (which have the possibility of differential brake to ensure the controllability in aircraft ground), turning alrrededor 90 ° from the axis of the studs, are arranged more or less vertically on the sides the fuselage, which has forced small section in order to accommodate them, the adoption of the liner panels and scuttles back buckle.
The engine of MIG-21 MF, which referred to the description, is the dual overhead turbojet Tumansky R-13 (at least modern versions of the plane, we have a single tree R-11) with afterburner and discharge nozzle with variable geometry, volume and weight fairly low, but making the need for more frequent revisions. Pitot air intake is provided with dielectric material warhead longitudinally adjustable by varying the flight Mach number, with toroidal recess for the suction of the boundary layer, which is housed the radar dish. Immediately after making the mouth, in conduit for adduction Air forks, to the sides of the cabin, and its two branches, (provided, approximately corresponding to the wing leading edge of spring gates to attract additional air take-off phase) and then meet of the center fuselage section, which are also housed three tanks of fuel.
driver housed in a heated and pressurized cabin rather small, has KM-1 ejection seat, and has good visibility in the anterior and lateral sectors, while the posterior is ensured by the mirror applied to the transparent roof rear-view mirrors, attached by hinges to the right side of the fuselage and detachable in case of emergency.
addition to the seven domestic deposits, whose very limited capacity (2,640 liters) confirms that the MIG-21 fighter was designed as a short-range eminently defensive missions, the Soviet aircraft may have additional deposits including three external to 1,500 liters in total, hanging from the belly of the fuselage pylon and two underwing pylons of four. The latter also apply the four air-to-air missiles with infrared address, along with two 23 mm cannons mounted in the belly of the fuselage, are standard weapons such as MIG-21 fighter, while in missions attack on the same pylons carried rocket launchers and bombs hanging.
Special attention has been placed on the instruments and avionics, the latter includes radar tracking and target acquisition, IFF, VHF and UHF, radio altimeter, the vast number of antennas, along with the position sensors and various air intakes for cooling the engine installation and radio equipment are the main cause of the many irregularities and bumps that disrupt the elegant shape of Soviet fighter.
direct successors of the protagonists of the first battle between jet aircraft and began testing during the Korean War, but the experiences of those meetings were reflected in the "specifications" for further generation fighter bison. Thus were born in the United States and the Soviet Union intercepting aircraft, relatively light, F-104 and MIG-21, resulting from conflicting planning philosophies: one was characterized by very sophisticated technical solutions, the other in However, the maximum simplification to obtain a favorable thrust-to-power.
The military activity of MIG-21 began to unfold in the Middle East, with the first meetings between Russian jets supplied to Egypt and Syria and the Israeli Mirage and then continued in that theater of war with successive versions supplies increasingly modern, while traveling to another front, Southeast Asia, where they made their appearance MIG-21 fighter units in the North Vietnamese. Asia has produced other meetings between Chinese and MIG-21 aircraft from Formosa and, therefore, the conflict between India and Pakistan saw employees largely Soviet aircraft with Indian Cucardas. In early 1975, the newborn air contingent the Republic to Bangladesh emerged from that conflict, he used his own MiG-21 against rebel forces
In general, the military activity of MIG-21 is as intense and never varied, and this is added the large number of records obtained. The widespread in the world the Soviet fighter is testified by Western estimates, in 1974, computed over 1,350 aircraft in service in the USSR, Czechoslovakia 248, 220 (plus 150 orders) in India and, surprisingly, only 75 in China. The planes present in these countries, where made, add 30 copies in Afghanistan, 12 (China Manufacturing) in Albania, 35 Algeria, 10 in Bangladesh, 60 in Bulgaria, 130 in North Korea, 80 in Cuba, 210 in Egypt, 42 in Finland, 294 in East Germany, 15 in Indonesia, 90 in Iraq, 60 in Yugoslavia, 204 in Poland, 50 in Romania, 200 in Syria, 10 in Somalia, 24 in Sudan, 16 (China Manufacturing) in Tanzania, 72 in Hungary, 60 North Vietnam and 12 in Yemen.
Information obtained from the work Aviazione Storia dell.
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