Sunday, October 3, 2010

Uncensored Train Groping

NORTHROP F-5/T-38 Freedom Fighter

NF-5 belonging to 314 Squadron of the Commando Taktische
of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Luchtstrijdkrachten Luchtmacht.
(Royal Dutch Aviation).
The plane represented is the version made specifically for
the Canadair Netherlands in collaboration with the Fokker-VFW
and Avio Diepen.

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After the experience of the Korean War, the leaders of the American aircraft had warned that the level of sophistication achieved by the fighters did the latter almost unusable by those countries that were part of mutual military assistance program (MAP), developed in agreement with the United States. On the other hand the old F-84 fighter and F-86 in service in these countries grow old quickly, and therefore presented the problem of a replacement extendible them. Based on this consideration, in 1958 the U.S. Department of Defense Northrop asked to develop a supersonic fighter, not sophisticated, which would replace both the F-84 as the F-86 . Naturally, it was a device to study flight characteristics brighter, higher load capacity and most advanced electronic warfare, but trying to moderate the cost and reduce the skilled labor for their maintenance. The result of this study was the Northrop N-156F, later designated F-5A.
The first of three prototypes ordered in late 1958 (one of which would go to the static tests), initially equipped with two General Electric J85-GE-1 without afterburner, flew for the first time June 30, 1959 immediately surpassing Mach 1. A second prototype, equipped with two turbojet J85-GE-5 of 1,134 Kg joined soon after, the experimental program.
In August 1960, the program set-up of the plane had been completed, but a conflict between the USAF and the Bureau of International Security U.S. Department of Defense, about the choice of game delayed almost two MAP years the start of mass production, which was approved only on 25 April 1962. Simultaneously, also the third prototype had been prepared, and all changes suggested by the test program developed with the first two prototypes were introduced on this aircraft, which became the first F-5A series and flew in July 1963. The plane had a stronger wing structure that allowed the adoption of wing pylons for extreme loads, and higher thrust engines with afterburner.
The draft rule uses plane areas to reduce aerodynamic drag in supersonic regime. The wing of F-5, trapezoidal, presents a light arrow (24 °) in the leading edge in a deal between the need to reduce drag in flight at high speeds and ensure good maneuverability in low speeds. The structure multispar is the classic type, mainly light-alloy high strength light-alloy coating also in a single panel on both surfaces. The wing flaps are provided above with honeycomb structure around the leading edge flaps and later in the innermost sections of the wing, while the aileron servo controls are arranged hydraulically in about half the wingspan.
The fuselage is the traditional type of light alloy simimonocasco resistant coating reinforced with ribs, stringers and diaphragms, and also uses elements of magnesium alloys, steel and titanium. This is done in three sections: the first, which includes the tube with electronic equipment, landing gear compartments above and weapons, as well as the pressurized cabin, the central section, which are located fuel tanks and air intakes, and which is also supported by drift, and the rear section that contains two motors and the chamber to the brake parachute in the tail, which is attached to the horizontal tailplane.
The F-5A engines are two turbojet J85-GE-13 with a dry unit emuje of 1,134 kg to 16,500 rpm and a maximum thrust of 1,841 lbs with afterburner inserted. The turbojets are powered by two air intakes arranged in the fuselage sides and whose mouths are characterized by the inclination of the lip, which has a slight arrow, and whose upper edge is straight ahead on the bottom.
The power supply comprises two independent systems, one for each engine, the fuel is contained in two cells integrated with an overall capacity of 2,207 liters. A single dose of refueling serves both domestic deposits as to any additional external tanks (one of 568 liters below the fuselage, two of the same amount under each wing, and two of 189 liters in the tips of the wings).

The cabin has been designed to ensure the pilot maximum visibility, essential for tactical support missions. The board is in the center essential flight instruments, while below the line of sight of the pilot found the aircraft communication and navigation instruments for the engines to the right and left controls. On the left are also located the weapon selection commands. All electrical circuit breakers are located on two panels at the sides of the pilot. In the two-seat variant, the pilot and instructor se ubican en tándem, ambos en asientos eyectables, y el puesto del instructor está unos 25 cm más elevado respecto del anterior permaneciente al alumno, según el esquema que adoptaron todos los posteriores aviones de adiestramiento .
El armamento básico del F-5, del cual se ha cuidado particularmente el acceso al mismo y su facilidad de mantenimiento y control, esta constituido por dos cañones M-39 de 20 mm instalados en la trompa, con 285 disparos cada uno (cada arma tiene una cadencia de tiro de1.500 disparos por minuto, suministrando de este modo más de 12 segundos de fuego continuo). Las dos armas están montadas en la parte superior de la proa, mientras que las municiones están alojadas en two containers in the back of the diaphragm that separates the nose of the center fuselage section. The F-5A also has seven external carriers, placed one in the center of the fuselage, two under each wing and one on top of them. The central basin may be hung a weapons drop more than 910 kg, while the wing can be hooked Sidewinder air-air missiles, air-ground missiles, rocket launcher, minigun or fuel tanks.
been repeatedly underlined that the F-5 is an adaptation of training two-seater T-38 "Talon," but in reality the two aircraft represent two developments of a single project that gave birth, first the two-seater and then the car, because at first the USAF was interested mostly in the supersonic training aircraft, while the car was caused by Northrop initiative, which since 1954 had closely examined the defensive exigencies countries NATO and SEATO.
contract The first production F-5A dates from October 22, 1962, while the second followed almost a year later, on August 27, 1963.

In November 1970, the U.S. government selected a new variant of Northrop fighter, the F-5E as winner of the competition for international fighter intended to replace the F-5A. In fact, the American house in 1969 had proposed a variant of the F-5 with more powerful engines, the J85-GE-21 of 2,268 kg, an increase of 21% over the original thrust of the F-5. In the course of more than 70 flights, the NORTROP considered all the flight capacity of the unit, which also included the operational use at altitudes above the 15,000 meters and at speeds of Mach 1.6 inclusive.
initial production program of the new F-5, planned for 326 aircraft was later review, aiming to produce about 1,000 copies an average monthly rate of about 20 aircraft.
More than 1,150 F-5 entered service in 18 countries. The F-5, in addition to Northrop in California, were manufactured under license in Canada, Spain and Holland.
initially ordered by the USAF in October 1962, the first F-5 were delivered in April 1964 to Williams Arizona base where the Tactical Air Command of the Air Force had just begun to train pilots and technical personnel of countries which were targeted by the F-5.
The first country to receive the American light fighter was Iran (February 1965), followed in the same year by Nationalist China, Greece, Korea, Philippines, Turkey, in 1966, the F-5 were assigned to Ethiopia, Morocco, Norway and Thailand and, later, the Republic of Vietnam and Libya (1968). In October 1965, the F-5A started its operations in the skies of Vietnam, where its ease of maintenance was greatly appreciated, despite some deficiencies presented by the aircraft, which resulted in changes and improvements in later versions of the Northrop game ..

Information obtained from the work Áviazione Storia dell.


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