Sunday, April 17, 2011

Brent Everett Corrigan Movie Togheter

Remember the famous visit

Duante Abr66, arrived in Argentina Jacqueline Kennedy, widow of the late U.S. president. Jackie was invited to spend a few days at the ranch of Miguel Angel Carcano, located in Ascochinga, 78 kilometers outside of Cordoba. Being a former first lady, the Department of State U.S. aircraft made available to cover the flight from Buenos Aires with greater comfort for the Kennedy family, while the same security issues were addressed by American authorities.
Mrs. Kennedy and her children-John John and Caroline arrived at Ezeiza airport 05Abr66 aboard the Boeing 707 Pan fr American: N764PA "Clipper Nautilus "-cn. 18339 - at 8.29 pm. Presumably, then moved by air from the airport, and that at 9.35 am, Jackie met with President Illia in the residence of Olivos to share a meal while their children were waiting at the Embassy United States. No sooner had completed the protocol activities, met to depart from the Metropolitan Airport to Córdoba on board a Convair VT-29B of the USAF enrollment "07914." The machine made its arrival in Cordoba at 15.23 hours. Note that the reason the trip was purely recreational. Fiztgerald John Kennedy was known in 1941 because of his friendship with Miguel Angel Carcano, who until a year before was the Argentine ambassador in London. John Kennedy, then a young naval officer, had traveled to England where he met and befriended.
The 14Abr66 noon landed at the airport in Cordoba on the USAF Convair, 18.30 hours and headed back to Buenos Aires-Ezeiza - transporting Mrs. Kennedy, in order to address the jetliner that trasnpotaría back to the United States. In those days, journalists were unable to access the converted Estancia San Miguel in an area impassable for the paparazzi by a special fence and the jealous police custody.

Details of aircraft deployed
cn. Convair 326 T-29B / VT-29B U.S. 51-7914. Air Force dd. 1953. De-programmed and stored at Davis Monthan AFB. Abr75. Allied Aircraft Sales Featured on 08May79-dismantled.


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