Under the plan, replacement of equipment of the Chilean Navy, the 21Abr2011 are received the second of three C295MPA CASA aircraft, naval air station in Viña del Mar. This aircraft has the distinction of having control means submarine warfare (ASW). The Chilean Navy had concluded the agreement to purchase three aircraft in Oct2007. The first of which was delivered in Dic2009, and reflected the maritime patrol version. The third aircraft will also feature media and will be given to the navy of Chile in the coming months. At some point we evaluated the possibility of acquiring Fokker F-60 second hand, as did the naval aviation Peru, but the decision finally fell on the product manufactured in Seville, Spain.
Detail aircraft
C295MPA CASA 501 cn. 066 dd. Dic2009.
C295MPA CASA 502 cn. 067 dd. Abr2011. Roll Out
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